
The Legend of Spyro: Dragon Realms Conclusion

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Night has come in Warfang and as Spyro and Cynder talk about what has happened to them recently, the two decide to go outside of Warfang, so that they can’t be disturbed by the crowds of dragons and moles that continue to want to talk to them.

But as the two are heading out of Warfang, the two young dragons noticed Frostus and Emerain coming towards them. It’s at that moment Frostus smiles and enquires: “Let me guess… the crowds can’t stop following you?”

When Spyro and Cynder hear Frostus’ comment, they smile back, which is followed by Cynder saying: “Well Spyro is the purple dragon, so what do expect?”

Emerain however points something out: “That is true, but a black dragoness is unique too.”

As the group go quiet, Frostus quickly asks the black dragoness: “Hey Cynder, can I talk to you for just a sec?”

“Yes of course, so what’s up?”

As Cynder and Frostus walk slightly away from Spyro and Emerain, the purple dragon enquires to Emerain: “Hey Emer, I haven’t asked you about what happened to you yesterday.”

“Yesterday… Spyro yesterday scared me. After seeing those wolves, then those elemental dragons, as well as the creepy stuff that changed into crystal… it made me wonder what would happened if Dad died, or if Rime died… Spyro… what would have happened if we failed?”

As Spyro notices the concern dragoness, he just softly tells her: “I think we all know what would have happened if we failed. That’s why we couldn’t fail…”

While Emerain nods with Spyro in agreement, Frostus is explaining something to the black dragoness: “Cynder I was thinking about what to do with your training and I think I know what I’m going to do.”

“OK, so what do you have in mind, what are you going to teach me first?”

“No Cynder I don’t mean like that.”

While Cynder starts to get confused, Frostus clarifies what he means: “Cynder, back in Verdant Pastures, I said that if I wanted to train you, it would mean you would have to spend more time with me than with Spyro.”

“Yeah that’s right… Spyro has told me how he feels about it, and he thinks it’s a good idea.”

“He does?”

As the two go quiet, Frostus goes on to say: “Well I didn’t consider something when I told you that. And it’s only since I have come to Warfang that I’ve realised what that was. Cynder what I asked from you was too much, I shouldn’t have asked you to choose between your training and Spyro, it wouldn’t be fair on you or Spyro.”

“So… what are you saying? Are you saying you’re not going to train me?”

“Well I am it’s just…”

Cynder at that moment realises what Frostus is trying to say and finishes off his sentence: “… you want to spend more time with Emer.”

As Frostus starts to feel a little guilty about he’s asking, Cynder continues: “It’s OK Frost. I know that you wanted to help me as fast as possible, but that was before you met Emer.”

“Cynder I feel bad that I asked you to give up time with Spyro, but then wanting to change that because I want to get to know Emera.”

As Frostus starts to close his eyes, Cynder just nudges him in his leg and replies back: “So you really are starting to have a liking for Emer?”

While Frostus opens his eyes, he responds back with a hint of excitement: “I really am! I haven’t felt like this in a long time!”

Whilst Cynder proceeds to smile at Frostus, the ice dragon finally asks: “So… you don’t mind if we change your training slightly?”

Cynder just shakes her head and tells Frostus: “No I don’t mind at all… besides, Emer maybe able to help you with claw to claw combat.”

“Yeah, you got that right. Thanks for understanding Cynder.”

As the two walk back to Spyro and Emerain, the earth dragoness asks Frostus: “So you ready to head back?”

Frostus at that point replies: “Yeah… I guess I will see you two tomorrow. Good night.”

It’s then Spyro and Cynder respond back in unison: “Good night you two.”

The two couples next head their different ways. As this happens Frostus tells Emerain: “It’s certainly a beautiful night.”

“Yeah you’ve got that right… hey Rime I was wondering, do you want to watch the stars for a while?”

“Yeah I would like that.”

While the two head towards the walls of Warfang, to get a clearer view of the stars, Flamzen is in the centre of the city and notices the two dragons watching the stars. As he begins to smile at the two, he hears a soft voice come from behind him: “Hey Flamzen.”

As the fire dragon turns, he notices Shimmara is coming towards him. It’s at that point the fire dragon asks: “You OK Shimmara?”

While the dragoness is unsure how to answer, Flamzen just nods, realising that the dragoness doesn’t want to answer that question. He next decides to question Shimmara about something else: “So now that the battle is over, what are you going to do Shimmara?”

“I don’t know… I think it may be wise for me to go away by myself.”

The moment Flamzen hears what Shimmara has to say, he impulsively replies back: “But what about Cynder?! Shimmara you can’t just leave Cynder like that!”

“I know it’s wrong to think like that… but every time I see Cynder it makes me remember what I did! And it disgusts me… all those years I tried to be someone else because I couldn’t face the truth!”

“But Shimmara, Cynder knows the truth, she knows what you did! You don’t have to hide anymore… you can be yourself again.”

“But it doesn’t change what I have done!”

While Shimmara starts to look away from Flamzen, as the sadness goes deep within the dragoness, Flamzen slowly walks up to her and softly brushes her back his claw. As he does, he tells Shimmara: “I know you can’t change the past… but we’ve all made our mistakes. We all have things which we could change. I lost Stiria… I saw my son die the moment he was born… and I left everyone behind because I blamed them for the two things that happened to me.”

As he finishes, he slowly caresses his head against Shimmara’s head and whispers: “But we can change what happens next.”

It’s at that moment Shimmara looks deep into Flamzen’s eyes and tells him: “I chose Cynder over you…”

“I know, squire told me.”

As Shimmara looks away from Flamzen, the fire dragon softly asks: “Shimmara… what’s wrong?”

Shimmara at that point, glances back at Flamzen and explains: “I wanted to save you both… but every time I think about what I did, I began to think what would have happened if you had died. If you had died, Emerain would have blamed me for not saving you…”

As Flamzen starts to recognize the problem, the fire dragon clarifies the matter to Shimmara: “Even if I died yesterday, would our lives be any better if you chose me over Cynder? Would all the dragons here lose out because I had died? If you saved me, but lost Cynder, all of us would have lost out. We wouldn’t have been able to live a normal life, if Spyro and Cynder didn’t stop that ‘Corruption’.”

Just as Shimmara gazes back at Flamzen, the fire dragon tells her: “But I didn’t die… so why worry about something, which really is nothing?”

“I’m sorry Flamzen… it’s just, I have been down that path before. I have already experience what it’s like to be left with nothing…”

It’s then Flamzen hugs Shimmara and whispers back: “But you have something now… you have Cynder’s respect, as well as mine.”


While the two gaze deeply at each other, Shimmara moves closer to Flamzen and softly kisses him. She next whispers back: “Thank you Flamzen.”

It’s at that point the dragoness moves away slightly and enquires: “So… is it OK if I stay here for a while?”

Flamzen just nods at Shimmara, which causes the dragoness to reply back: “I guess I will see you soon. Good night Flamzen.”

As the dragoness slowly walks away, Flamzen turns to look Emerain and Frostus. Normally the fire dragon would wish his daughter a good night. But as he gazes at the two dragons, he just smiles, knowing that tonight may be first night he can’t wish that directly to his daughter. Instead, Flamzen just stands and faintly tells himself: “Good night Emer. I’ll see you in the morning.”

As a joyful tear drops from Flamzen’s eye, the fire dragon quickly turns around and calls out to Shimmara. When Shimmara hears him, she turns to see what he wants. It’s then Flamzen asks: “Shimmara… I was wondering… do you want to watch the stars with me tonight?”

The moment Shimmara hears Flamzen’s suggestion; she swiftly runs to him and replies back: “Are you asking me out?”

“Well we are already outside, so that would mean we are already on a date.”

While Shimmara smiles at Flamzen’s comment, she sits next to the fire dragon and the two talk together, as they watch the stars.

As the two continue gaze at the stars, Frostus and Emerain are enjoying the sight of the stars as well. While they continue to gaze at them, Frostus asks Emerain: “Emera, can I ask you something?”

“Yeah sure what is it?”

“I was wondering how you feel about your Dad… you know, with Shimmara and all that. Are you OK with that?”

After Emerain glances at Frostus, she next tells him: “I don’t know. I mean I know Shimmara has made some major mistakes, and I know it’s something which can’t be let go easily.”

“So you’re not happy about it?”

As Emerain starts to wonder what to say next, Frostus just waits in silence. As the seconds pass, Emerain continues: “I want my Dad to be happy. I know that in the desert, there were times he was so upset about losing my Mom.”

While Emerain finishes, she notice her father and Shimmara together, which causes Frostus to reply back: “Yeah that’s why I asked....”

But as Emerain starts to get a little angry, she notices her father’s reaction to Shimmara. As she observes Flamzen smiling as Shimmara, Emerain turns back to Frostus and continues: “I want to say that I’m OK with it, but… even though I’m not fully happy about this, I know my Dad hasn’t been like this in a very long time. He’s so happy… but I don’t want Shimmara to hurt him.”

While Frostus begins to nod at what Emerain has said, the ice dragon tells her: “Well… maybe Shimmara changing. Maybe she’s just like Cynder is, a dragoness that wishes to repay for her mistakes.”

Emerain at that moment replies back: “Wow, I thought you and Shimmara were rivals.”

As Frostus starts to laugh slightly, the earth dragoness continues:  “But there was something my Mom told me: ‘How would I feel if I was in their position?’ When I think about what she said, this whole thing with my Dad and Shimmara doesn’t seem as bad.”

“How do you mean?”

“My Dad has been alone in the desert. He spend all of that time raising me and when Spyro came to us, at first he didn’t want to go… but he went because I wanted to go. If we didn’t go, I would still be in that desert; I wouldn’t have helped save Warfang and… I wouldn’t have met you.”

“Emera… I didn’t realise that.”

“It’s then I think about how my Dad has reacted to all of this. He could have told me to stay away from you, or that he didn’t like certain things about you. But he didn’t do that, he trusted me and got to know you too. However, the way I acted about him with Shimmara… yeah she has her faults, and there are things about her I don’t like, but… she’s making my Dad happy. Yesterday I could have lost him… and when I think about the way I acted…”

As Emerain starts to close her eyes, Frostus replies back: “Your right, we both reacted hastily. I thought he got me those claws as a way to forget Shimmara’s past. But it was just a kind act he did for me…”

“Yeah… so even though I’m not fully happy about this, my Dad is. And I know that my Mom wouldn’t want Dad to be unhappy. It’s just sad that she died when I was so young.”

As Frostus hears those words, she kindly tells Emerain: “But Flamzen raised you well.”

At that moment Emerain quickly turns to Frostus, who is just looking straight ahead. He then goes on to say: “Yesterday in battle you were so quick, yet elegant. You could tell Flamzen spend a lot of time helping you. And even though your skills in battle are impressive, you still allow others to see that playful side of you. If your mother saw you I think she would be-”

As Frostus turns his head to look at Emerain, while saying his last words, he suddenly stops, when Emerain’s lips touches his. While the two momentarily kiss, when Emerain promptly moves her head back, Frostus just says the word: “Impressed…”  

While the two start to look deeply at each other, Emerain replies back: “Sorry I just… really liked what you were saying.”

As the two smile back at each other, the two start to move closer and begin to nuzzle each other affectionately.

Meanwhile, just a short distance out of Warfang, both Spyro and Cynder sit closely together, as they watch the stars. While they do, Spyro proceeds to tells Cynder: “It’s been a while since we have spent time alone together like this.”

“Yeah you’ve got that right…”

While the two continue to gaze at the stars, Cynder next tells the purple dragon: “Spyro, when I was talking to Frostus earlier, he was saying that he wanted to spend some time with Emer.”

As Spyro looks at Cynder, wondering why she is telling him this, he asks: “Well it’s oblivious he likes her.”

Cynder just smiles and then continues: “But as he has got closer to her, he started to realise that the training he asked me to do was unfair. Spyro, he wants to train me, but he also wants to get closer to Emer. So if he’s with Emer-”

“We will have some time together!”

As Spyro and Cynder smile back at each other, Spyro goes on to say: “So we will have time for each other… and you’ll get trained as a Reflector.”

“That’s right! Though I must admit, when I first learnt about what Frostus has planned, I was a little worried because I wanted to help you… but I also wanted to be with you. And… when you told me that you wanted me to train, even though we wouldn’t have time together… it made me realise how much you view my help.”


As the two go quiet for a short while, Cynder next enquires: “So what will you do while I’m training with Frostus?”

“Well I’m guessing Flamzen will need some help, then there’s Warfang which needs to be re-built. But I could also train my elemental abilities-”

“Wow you certainly planned a lot of things to do.”

“Well I don’t know when the Guardians will next need me… so I have to make sure I’m prepared just in case something was to happen.”

“I hope that time comes later rather than sooner.”

“Yeah I really hope so too.”

As the two gaze at the stars once again, Cynder softly asks: “Spyro… do you love me?”

When Spyro hears this, he turns to Cynder. As he does, Cynder continues: “Galeson said that you admitted your love to me, is this true?”

As Spyro gazes at Cynder, he explains: “Cynder… I don’t remember saying that. And if I did, I think it may have been for the same reason you admitted your love for me. However I did say that I had something to tell you after the battle. And this gift will help explain what I need to say.”

It’s then Spyro grab the medal that is around him and places over Cynder’s neck. As Cynder looks at the gift, she starts to thank him: “You got me a gift?! Thank you Spyro… did you make this?”

Spyro proceeds to nod and explains: “I got this piece of wood and craved the symbol that I see every time I see you.”

“Wow Spyro that’s… Hey! Is that my purple ribbons I wore on ‘Purple Dragon Day’?!”

“Yeah… I couldn’t find anything else to use…”

As Cynder just shakes her head slightly, she replies back: “I was wondering where those ribbons went… but Spyro, why did you make this for me?”

“Because Cynder I know that in the pass few weeks, we have done so much together. But every time they thank me for what I have done, nobody seemed to thank you for what you’ve done.”

“Spyro… thank you for taking the time to make this.”

“But that wasn’t the only reason why I made this for you.”

“So what was the other reason?”

“Cynder… when I left with Sparx to the desert, I realised why you were mad at me. And I know that if I was to see you again, it may have made you mad. But even though I knew that, I still wanted to see you. I wanted to see those emerald eyes, that smile you have when you’re happy, but also that symbol which I see every time I see you. So when I got back from the desert and you weren’t there… it scared me. The Guardians explained what happened, but even then, I was worried that I wouldn’t see you again. So I decided to make this, hoping that one day I would be able to give you this.”

As Cynder hears Spyro’s words, the dragoness starts to be moved by the purple dragon’s affections. It’s at that point she tells him: “Spyro… thank you… I didn’t realise that you were so worried about me.”

While Cynder continues to admire the wooden medal, she then remembers something: “Wait you didn’t answer my question.”

Spyro at that moment just smiles and tells Cynder: “You’re a Reflector Cynder. You don’t just see what’s in front of you… you also see the things that are hidden out of sight.”

When Cynder hears what Spyro has to say, she looks down at the medal and sees the front of the medal, which has the same symbol, which is also on her forehead. But when she thinks about what Spyro has said, she recognizes that the other side of the medal is hidden out of sight from other dragons.

She next lifts the medal up and as she looks at the back of it, she sees a few words, craved into the wooden medal. As she looks at them, she reads: ‘To the one I love.’

When sees this she drops the medal back down, and stares sincerely at the purple dragon. As Cynder starts to grin, Spyro softly replies back to the black dragoness: “Cynder I don’t fully remember what happened after we defeated Malefor. But what I do know is that I’m in love with you Cynder. Cynder I love you… and I mean it this time.”

The End
As night comes over Warfang, Spyro and Cynder, Frostus and Emerain, as well as Flamzen and Shimmara dwell on what has happened to them. What will learn from all they have seen?

Writer's notes:

It's the final chapter... and I must say I feel really weird right now.

First of all I want to thank ~w0lfix for allowing me to use his picture. I thought it would be nice to use a picture just simply because it's the final chapter. :D

Secondly, I want to thank all the readers who have continued to read this story. I know when I started I didn't know whether this would become something people wanted to read, or something which people would just shrug their shoulders too and move on. So thanks for your comments, faves and your views too. :love:

So now you may be wondering what next? Well I have an idea what to do next, but at the same time, I want to go back and re-read the chapters, whether that will be small changes like spellings, or more even adding things, like extra dialog in chapter which I feel need more explaining.

Anyway, thanks again for reading. If you which to give a review of this chapter, or the whole story in general, I will open the requests critiques, so that you can do so.

So yeah... I hope you enjoy this chapter, as well as the story in general. :)

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Characters from the original TLoS series © Sierra Entainment, Activision Blizzard

Story and Characters who are not part of the original TLoS series © Imwritten

Artwork © :iconw0lfix:
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Spyro4422's avatar
I can't believe it's been so long since you wrote these. With what Spyro and Cynder mean to me I have absolutely loved your story. I binged every single page within the past 2 or so weeks.

I wish you would come back and make a continuation 😭